¿You have a Table of Parota Sauces Tierra de Fuego?


Thank you because you acquired a product from a small company, 100 family, that was born from a dream and you supported us to make it come true. Each of our boards is handcrafted, from the cuts, the gutters, the sanding, the curing, the selection, the packaging ... everything is made 100 by hand with all the dedication and the desire that each board make you very happy to the person who receives it.. 

Congratulations because you received a handmade piece, each Parota Board is unique, due to its natural grain each piece is totally different and no other will be exactly the same as yours.

Our boards are made of ONE piece of wood, without glues, colorants, dyes, or chemicals.


- Always wash after each use.
- Store totally dry in a clean and dry place.
- Do not store in a damp, wet place or in closed spaces without ventilation. As with anything stored wet, damp, or in damp places, it can generate mold.
- Make sure to regularly maintain it with oil to prolong its life, you can see the curing tutorial for your boardhere
- NEVER wash in the dishwasher or use in the microwave.
- Store preferably horizontally.


1. Hand wash and rinse with dish soap and water. Do not immerse in water, the water can damage the wood and could deform the board.
2. Remove excess water from the entire board immediately after washing.
3. Before storing, allow to dry completely in the shade in a ventilated area.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact